Category Archives: babies

Big and Strong!

Little D. came for his 6 month portraits today. I had the honor of photographing D. as a newborn and it was so fun to see how much he has grown! He was such a good baby and had all of those adorable baby rolls! He was also amazing me with his strength! I put...

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My sweet niece came tonight for a session since she is now 3 months old. She is such a sweet little girl and was a trooper as we tried all kinds of different things with her. Here are just a couple of the ones I’ve edited tonight.

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Happy Birthday G!

I have so enjoyed watching G. grow this past year. Today we celebrated his first birthday with a photo session. He came for his first session at three months and then returned at 6 and 9 months. It is only fitting that we celebrated with a smash the cake session today.

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My new friend

I made a new friend today.  This little boy and his sister came for pictures today.  He played ball with  me, helped me change sets, and took a few pictures himself.   I told him he was my best 3 year old in a long time.  His sister was a cutie as well.  She was...

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I got to go and visit my new niece again today.   I did her first photo session and had a blast!  I swear I could photograph newborns all day.  They are just so sweet.  I came home and was only going to edit my absolute favorites and ended up editing about 25 of them....

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